Being active has always been important to Marni. She grew up playing competitive soccer and played through high school. She has enjoyed other activities, such as hiking and mountain biking. She has been a member at several other non-CrossFit gyms, participating in various aerobic classes, weight training, and spin classes. Marni would quickly become bored with these programs. She stepped foot into her first “box” January 2013 and has been hooked ever since. After CrossFitting for almost two years, several fellow CrossFitters suggested  that she coach. Marni received her Level 1 Certification Fall of 2014 and Level 2 in early 2016. Marni says that CrossFit helped her gain a new level of confidence, and she wants to help others achieve this as well. In addition to coaching CrossFit, Marni is the mother of two teenage daughters.


CrossFit Level I Trainer CrossFit Level 2 Trainer