Crossfit opened his eyes to a totally different approach to getting fit. Never did he get bored. There is always a movement to chase, a gymnastic skill to conquer, an Olympic lift to master, and seeing progress makes it all worth it. The Crossfit community is like no other and he loves being part of it. Craig grew up playing competitive sports and being competitive his entire life. Competing in football, baseball, basketball, and track and field made the transition to Crossfit more attainable. He is starting his 5th year in Crossfit and is really fired up about my continued growth as both an athlete and now a coach. He has run 5k’s, 10k’s, rucked a half marathon, competed in several local Crossfit and weight lifting competitions. Since passing his Level 1, Craig is eager to challenge himself to make others see their potential, accomplish movements that they didn’t think they could ever grasp, and truly making every member having their best hour of their day.
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer