If you’ve been a member of CFS for some time, chances are you’ve run into either Coach Janet or Mike Allen. If you’re new to our community, it won’t take long for you to run into someone from the Allen family. But while Ashlyn falls from their pedigree, she has taken her own fitness journey to get to where she is today. It all started with dabbling in sports as a child. Ashlyn played just about everything from soccer to softball and cheer to gymnastics. However, a move to a different state in middle school put her athletic activities on the back burner. Coming out of high school and into college, Ashlyn couldn’t run a mile without stopping. However, in the summer of 2013, her mom invited her to take a CrossFit class and after being sore for TWO weeks, the rest was history. Ashlyn received her L1 in 2017 and her L2 in 2019. With over 3 years of coaching experience and 7 years of personal training, she is always interested in the next challenge. She has a passion for helping everyone become “better than yesterday”. Her love for others transcends into her full-time job where she works for a non-profit food rescue organization, helping to combat hunger. In her freetime, she is nestled somewhere between meal prepping and creating the best chocolate chip cookie recipe or, enjoying a cold beer and mapping out a travel adventure.
CrossFit Level 1 CrossFit Level 2 MPH PN-1